
The brand VeryImportantPortuguese through Franck Coset has supported us from the beginning and is the official supplier of clothing for the crew. A brand made by Portuguese out of Portugal like our ancestors the Portuguese sailors. Very Important Portuguese was created and launched internationally in August 2004 by Designers descendant from Portuguese emigrants living in Paris and Switzerland. This project mission is to spread the Portuguese history and culture through fashion all around the world. A strong focus on the quality of Portuguese manufacturing brings originality and prestige to the brand. With the logo the Designers wanted to convey pride and nostalgia with the integration of Portuguese culture icons. The castle represents the Portuguese heritage and the catholic faith that has always followed the people. The coat of arms alludes to the old currency before the Euro. Carnations are the symbol of the revolution of 25th of April 1974 that ended the dictatorship in Portugal. The "tilde", of the Portuguese writing, is used to underline the name. It all started with simple sweaters emblazoned with the logo, but the collections quickly extended to other areas, so that today it covers the full range of clothing. From lingerie to shoes, today the brand VIPortuguese is already a strong reference abroad and had positioned itself in a market with strong competitiveness, being present in numerous multi-brand stores, along with other big names in international fashion. Their online shop can be found at: go visit and order some of the amazing pieces they offer every season... Something unique and high quality…

Institutional support and recognition from this organizations:

Tourism of Portugal supports the initiative for its cultural value and potential to promote the name of Portugal and Lusophony”. IF you want to know more about Portugal and all it has to offer in terms of leisure, history and culture, visit the website of Turismo de Portugal.

The Community of Portuguese Language Countries recognizes the project as “very valid and able to help realize the objectives that guide” the CPLP. To know more about the main organization that set the rules among the Portuguese speaking countries visit their website (only in Portuguese). CPLP it's an organization that brings together all the the countries that speak Portuguese around the world and, as a community, tries to set rules and guidelines to bring them together as whole in the international community. They also have as main core of action developing humanitarian activities to assist their members, organizing professional and technical training sessions and to promote the Portuguese language. All Portuguese speaking countries are members of this community.

The Union of Capital Cities of Portuguese Language supports our initiative “since it considers that it will contribute to the enrichment and strengthening of the spirit Lusophony”. The UCCLA is a municipal association of international nature, created on 28th of June 1985. Founding act  was signed by the cities of Bissau, Lisbon, Luanda, Macau, Maputo, Praia, Rio de Janeiro and Água Grande. The Union's main objective is to promote the understanding and cooperation among its member municipalities, the cultural, scientific and technological development and the development of economic, social and friendly opportunities, with the aim to assist in the progress and well-being of its inhabitants.